Processes are boring, boring things. How on earth can you be doing that for work?
My mother-in-law actually said this to me over a thanksgiving dinner as I was sharing with a friend what I did for a living.
Boy did that hurt. I mean, that is what I do !!!!
I thought about it later and realized that while dealing with getting your processes written is pretty boring, without them, getting some level of business freedom is practically impossible.
It is the implementation of your business processes that is to be celebrated…
Most of the process writing tools you’ll see out there are nothing ore than ‘notebooks’ or document sharing applications. TouchStone is different. It’s designed to help implement your processes.
And, if you’re unable to implement your processes after going through all of the tedious, boring activity of creating them, what a colossal waste of time, right?
Watch the video as I demonstrate how we use TouchStone to implement, train and manage our employees to follow a process…